In the beginning…

I loved the music. I heard my Dad’s cool records every day and was inspired. He played Elvis, Motown and some of the  great music from the 50's and 60's and I was hooked instantly. I started playing bass when I was 13 and it was a love affair right away. Shortly after high school, I moved from NYC to Los Angeles and found myself on the same dirty, grimey stages as The Doors, Van Halen and Guns and Roses and It was a magical time in my life. Trust me! 

The music life is great fun, but filled with unpredictable obstacles. After I got off the stage, I went back to school and studied Avid Editing and Art Design. Then the next phase of my ever-changing life was about to begin. I've always been fascinated by good story tellers. People that could take a blank canvas and turn it into intriguing stories. I look at each canvas as an opportunity to say something. Maybe it's a funny moment or a dramatic pause. Creating moments that make the viewer or the listener feel something surprising. I strive for the ability to see the “big picture”. Every time I start a new project or write a new song, I'm trying to express emotions in my work. If I can accomplish that, then I know the audience will feel all the moments, the surprises, and the great story too.

“When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, ‘no, I went to films.’ Quentin Tarantino